Some of our Basic Service
Oil and Filter Change: $29.75 (Buy Four Get One Free = $23.80)
Lube, Oil and Filter Change: $32.75
Tire Rotation with Oil Change: $15.95
2 Wheel Alignments: $54.95
4 Wheel Alignments: $67.95
Scan for Codes: $95.00 (Good for one year)
We use All Data Estimating
Our parts department is always very well equipped with thousands of parts in stock. Many of our vendors offer same day delivery so we can get you back on the road quickly. With computerized databases at our disposal if we don’t have the part we can usually locate it within a few minutes and have it delivered next day. Regardless if you’re a one-time customer or a large commercial account, if it is a light bulb, or a control module we take pride in taking care of your part needs. We offer free to those with active accounts in the area. We also can obtain parts for non-Ford vehicles, since 1955 we have built a network of vendors to assist us in obtaining parts for everything from a Buick to a Mercedes.